Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Nicki & Josh get married

This past weekend I was lucky enough to be a second shooter (for Tressie Davis Photography) at a wedding in Michigan. Blue skies, 70 degrees, a light breeze, stunning location, and a gorgeous couple madly in love. It couldn't have been more perfect. I'm still making my way through hundreds of photos, but I've posted a few below that caught my eye. For a sneak peek of Tressie's pictures from the wedding, go to http://tressiedavisphotography.blogspot.com.


  1. Great job with these Judi. Looks like it was a fun wedding!

  2. So beautiful !!! What fun shooting together !!! YEY, for awesome skills !!

  3. Wonderful job Judi! You and Tressie must have had a blast together!

  4. Thanks so much everyone! We had a great time.
